Clinical Evaluation – Specific Tests

Following a medical diagnosis, a clear history is important. Through the ΄΄my _medical electronic platform΄΄ records all information related to the malfunction. The aim is to identify the structures involved in the malfunction but also the patient to understand it. It...

Hand Therapy – manual therapy

Hand Therapy known abroad as Manual Therapy, it aims to restore nerve-muscular-skeletal problems. The techniques used are aimed at improving movement and managing pain. The manipulations performed are targeted to an anatomical structure. Techniques such as: Maitland,...

Therapeutic Massage

Therapeutic Massage Applying Therapeutic Massage is the most direct way to release the soul and the body. It is one of the most basic physiotherapeutic approaches. The application is targeted to malfunction and personalized according to human...

Lymphatic massage

Lymphatic massage Lymphatic drainage offers the body a well being relaxation through detoxification due to lymph stimulation. Targeted works on lymphoid...

Muscle-Peritoneal decompression

The fascia is a type of tissue that surrounds muscles, tendons, bones and organs. When damaged, there will be affected adjacent structures, but also areas that are far from the point of injury. With special techniques, an improvement in the mobility of the fascia and...